Tuesday 29 May 2012

Ready, Steady - GO!

The last day of prep went amazingly well – not! We managed to cope with 4 tantrums, 2 fights, 3 threats of murder, 6 requests for divorce and eventually load up ‘our home’. Luckily Terry was off work so his help, both in physical assistance and in refereeing was priceless. Got 98% completed, just us and the final bits to load on ‘ET D Day’.
Start as you mean to go on – late start, well we did say that this experience would be totally off the cuff with no plan (that way nothing goes wrong).

Take your marks:

Get set:


Good trip down to Hull with a 2 hour stop in Bishop Burton (only lay by suitable enough) to say final goodbyes to Mum G and my brother Colin and wife Margaret – great seeing them however I suspect they just wanted to make sure we got on the boat. Terrible signage at Hull docks so visited all 3 gates before getting the right one – loaded early, sailed late. Not really a fan of P&O but they were the only ones who gave us a sensible quote – DFDS wanted us to go freight and pay both arms and legs with Linda and Daisy going as foot passengers! P&O also let us leave Daisy in the RV so it was a bit less stressful for her. The 14 hour crossing was uneventful, ate for England at the buffet dinner and breakfast – star of the crossing was Daisy no problems and no mess.
Disembarked eventually, access to the car decks restricted after the public announcement to go down to the vehicles – everybody left standing on stairs and corridors until gates opened, poor show. Better driving on the right, Linda is not so nervous and it is a lot easier for vision purposes. Drive to Utrecht went well, had to have a cup of tea and pee  (Daisy not us) stop but got to Zeist turnoff well before estimated time so had to park up for 1 hour before pitch was available. Whoops, did not factor in a Dutch holiday on 28 May so loads of people at the site and all getting ready to leave so had to juggle around – of course everybody wanting to look see the RV did not help. It certainly drew some approving looks and, so we have been told, the biggest they have seen/had at this site. No problems setting up on site apart from slight delay in WiFi connection (now got it), good pitches (needed 2 due to size) and so far so good.
As yet not missing anything and to those who asked, “Yes we are wise, see you whenever”  

Friday 25 May 2012

Almost ready!

Wow! Where did the last 7 days go? Well thinks are on track (do not know which track) and the last 7 days 'hiccups' have been sorted, forgotten or just disregarded.
Loading has gone very well with Linda being beaten by the size of the beast, still got 1 load compartment empty and apart from our clothes (which go into the wardrobes/cupboards,drawers) nearly everything (plus) is on board.
Daisy was checked out as fully fit and had her booster - she in fact is the only one totally ready to go now, food loaded, basket loaded and watching everything like a hawk. As if we would not take her! Neil got a clean bill of health from the doctor (proven by completion of the first 18 hole game for 18 mths with no problems) and Linda is still her normally healthy self bar some aches and pains. We are both full of excitement and a bit of apprehension (first night nerves), is it really happening? Once we get over the water I am sure we will be able to 'chill', just found out that our first site (near Utrecht) is next to a golf course.
Tomorrow is final prep - clean/check/load the Jazz and clean/check/final load the RV, sure glad that we are getting good weather to sort things out.

Friday 18 May 2012

Getting ready!

Only 9 days to go to 'Ferry Time' but about 20 days of prep left. Still need to learn how to use this site properly but at least it is started. MOT successfully completed, trailer change in hand, packing in progress and general level of excitement rising.