Tuesday 29 May 2012

Ready, Steady - GO!

The last day of prep went amazingly well – not! We managed to cope with 4 tantrums, 2 fights, 3 threats of murder, 6 requests for divorce and eventually load up ‘our home’. Luckily Terry was off work so his help, both in physical assistance and in refereeing was priceless. Got 98% completed, just us and the final bits to load on ‘ET D Day’.
Start as you mean to go on – late start, well we did say that this experience would be totally off the cuff with no plan (that way nothing goes wrong).

Take your marks:

Get set:


Good trip down to Hull with a 2 hour stop in Bishop Burton (only lay by suitable enough) to say final goodbyes to Mum G and my brother Colin and wife Margaret – great seeing them however I suspect they just wanted to make sure we got on the boat. Terrible signage at Hull docks so visited all 3 gates before getting the right one – loaded early, sailed late. Not really a fan of P&O but they were the only ones who gave us a sensible quote – DFDS wanted us to go freight and pay both arms and legs with Linda and Daisy going as foot passengers! P&O also let us leave Daisy in the RV so it was a bit less stressful for her. The 14 hour crossing was uneventful, ate for England at the buffet dinner and breakfast – star of the crossing was Daisy no problems and no mess.
Disembarked eventually, access to the car decks restricted after the public announcement to go down to the vehicles – everybody left standing on stairs and corridors until gates opened, poor show. Better driving on the right, Linda is not so nervous and it is a lot easier for vision purposes. Drive to Utrecht went well, had to have a cup of tea and pee  (Daisy not us) stop but got to Zeist turnoff well before estimated time so had to park up for 1 hour before pitch was available. Whoops, did not factor in a Dutch holiday on 28 May so loads of people at the site and all getting ready to leave so had to juggle around – of course everybody wanting to look see the RV did not help. It certainly drew some approving looks and, so we have been told, the biggest they have seen/had at this site. No problems setting up on site apart from slight delay in WiFi connection (now got it), good pitches (needed 2 due to size) and so far so good.
As yet not missing anything and to those who asked, “Yes we are wise, see you whenever”  

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