Monday 15 October 2012

Tarragona Pt 1

Monday 17th Sept: A very leisurely start to the day, do not want to tire ourselves out - plan to do some more exploring on foot, test the beach again and for work Neil needs to track down the Honda garage and book the Jazz in for its first service (what a busy day). The finding of a garage was no problem however the booking it in was a challenge - Neil = no Spanish, Garage = no English. Fortunately one of the campsite owners, Kim, came to the rescue and made all the arrangements for the Jazz to have its service in Reus (just outside Tarragona) on Wednesday morning at 9am. Unfortunately they are unable to accept the Honda Europe free service arrangement from the UK so it will have to be paid for and we will try and get it refunded later on our return to the UK. After a nice walk around the immediate local are, where we found Linda is famous, we decided to try out the camp site restaurant and had a really pleasant burger and chips and a steak and chips along with some very nice sangria and local beer. Whilst in the bar we noticed a bottle of brandy with a familiar name so had to have a photo of it. A nice sunny 28C day which helped the day go well. The first bit of mail (a DVD of photos from Colin & Margaret) caught up with us and we just need the arrival of the Jazz's tax disc, curtsy of Terry, and we will be right up to date. 

Fame at last
Good name for a Brandy

Tuesday 18th Sept: Bit of a none day really so decided to have yet another lazy /admin day with of course the beach featuring to the fore. We spent some time trying to sort out the photographs into some kind of order, so many to label, title and file but best done now whilst the memory is still functioning. With the Jazz's service on the cards for tomorrow we decided to combine a visit to Tarragona and Pont de Diable as well, silly not to as they are in the same area, so did some preparatory planning. We have been assured that the service will only take a couple of hours! The day started with sun but got a bit cloudy during the day but was a nice 27C.

Wednesday 19th Sept: Early start to the day as we planned to use the national roads (road toll aversion has set in) and get to the garage promptly for 9am, unfortunately due to the rush hour traffic we were a little late - 2 MINS! Not to worry as the garage was open but not  a sole around, thinks 'forgot Spanish time apreciation', eventually someone turned up at 9.40am and tried to communicate with us (no English speaker). Some how we got across our need to have it finished for 11.00am (as previously agreed) and that we would be waiting for it - no problems he says and off he goes to do the business.  True to his word, there was no problems and it was completed (at a cost less than the quote), the books all stamped up and we were on our way to Tarragonna by 11.00am. The festival week of Santa Tecla was taking place in Tarragona (a town famous for its human towers, normally part of the festivities) so the town was well decorated, busy and full of life - just as well as it started to rain once we began walking around the town centre, fortunately only a quick shower and it was back to sun and 27C.

Santa Tecla celebrations
Santa Tecla celebrations

Balloon people

Like most places we have visited, Tarragona has many Roman historic connections and buildings (those Romans got everywhere), so we had to take in the Roman Tower ( great views over the town) and the amphitheatre before ambling around the town centre area. A very nice place with lots of hostelries, some even supplying know beverages and lots of local attractions to see, the Monument als Castels being quite striking in the central reservation of the main road through the town centre. 

Tarragona Cathedral from
the Roman Tower
Tarragona amphitheatre from
the Roman Tower

They get everywhere
Monument als Castells

Just to complete the set we called in to see the Pont del Diable, another Roman aquaduct, on the outskirts of Tarragona which challenges today's civil engineers. Linda had behaved herself all day so as a special treat I agreed to take her to a Lidl in Cambrills on the way back - I know I am all heart.

Pont del Diable
We got back just in time for 'sundowners' and for Neil to find out he had had a 'numpty' moment; when instructing Terry to post the tax disc he forgot to mention that we had moved from France to Spain hence the letter was addressed to our current Spanish site address with France on the bottom - fingers crossed it gets here sometime. Linda thinks he has done it on purpose to stay here longer.

Thursday 20th Sept: An overcast start to the day with threats of rain later on meant that not much on the agenda apart from some replen shopping (Bacardi is quite cheap here). Neil needed to complete his temporary repair to the RV generator so set to, only to of course get an audience, many stating that the generator was a bigger engine that most of their motor homes. The rain came later in the day and a bit on sun here and there, quite cool and only 25C.

Friday 21st Sept: Lazy day planned so wandered about the site and beach and got to know are neighbours - all sorts of nationalities - all very friendly. A few Brits (full time, long term and short term guests) which we managed to get loads of local information from and catch up on UK news. We got talking to a young expat couple on the pitch just behind us, who were visting their caravan for the day, when asked what he did, Ian informed us that he is the PGA professional at the local (posh) golf club FANCY THAT! Anyway Ian took pity on Neil's lack of golf and offered to arrange a game on Sunday for him YIPPEEEE, Ian would be unavailable due to flying over to the States to watch the Ryder Cup. The rest of the day we veg'd out and watched the site coming and goings whilst in the 25C sun.

Saturday/Sunday 22nd/23rd Sept: A nice casual, relaxing weekend with Saturday being a bit overcast and windy - nice to see the waves crashing into the shore and relatively warm at 25C again. Sunday was of course Skype day and we got to chat to everybody and bring them up to date. The afternoon was of course the golf game at Bonmont Costa  Daurada Golf Club - very up market and the course was in excellent condition. The sunny 25C day meant that Neil had very few excuses for any bad golf and thoroughly enjoyed himself - many thanks Ian and to Monica at the course.  

Windy day on the beach

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