Thursday 19 July 2012

Jelenia Gora Pt 1

Thursday 12th Jul: Housework day - YUK, has to be done. Started on the inside and gave everything a clean and polish then spruced up the outside and did a bit of preventive maintenance checking - oil levels etc. Found a few minor type jobs that needed doing before becoming major problems and got them completed between the odd shower and thunder storm on a cooler day of 21C.

NB: Since leaving the shores of the UK we have not seen or spoke face to face (not including Skype) to any other Brits so we were rather excited when we saw lots of UK registered cars and the possibility of some catching up on things - wrong, it is UK based Polish workers here on holiday. Guess we will have to continue speaking to each other - not much fun for Linda.

Friday 13th Jul: Much against the dreaded date we did not stay in bed but decided  to go for a day in the mountains, just had to have a look at the well advertised winter sports venues and see what the scenery is like from 'up top'. The trip up was fantastic with beautiful views around every corner, initially we headed for the centre of the ski resorts, Karpacz and had a bit of a wander around the town - totally orientated around winter sports but still very touristic for the summer. It must be very picturesque with the snow on the ground, all the ski lifts are very tastefully blended into the landscape and needless to say there are plenty of large hotels with all the facilities - in fact some just like small resorts in themselves. We followed the road along the top for a while, skirting the Cezch border before heading down through the Karkonoski National Park, small twisty roads that must be fun in the winter - even with snow chains. Total suprise when we came upon a Honda Goldwing and Harley Davidson group outing (riders from all parts of Europe), there must have been over 100 very smart and well presented bikes all in procession just cruising along the road on thier way to the top of mountain range. We just had to pull over and watch these wonderful machines go by, we of course got lots of waves and two tone horn acknowledgements. Sunny spells with a bit of overcast but still pleasant and 22.

Outskirts of Karpazc
Hotel Golebiewski


Saturday 14th Jul: Decided that the RV needed a slight move about, just to keep everything loose and moving so whilst the site was quiet (only us and 2 others left) we set about a mini pack up, move and setup - keeps our hand in. The site owner had a small panic attack as he thought we were leaving but once reassured he took the chance to cut the grass of our pitch whilst we were on the move. Had a quick shopping dash to replen the essentials, no not wine, milk, bread etc. Did some possible route research - WOW the tolls/vignette costs are extortionate, will have to choose our roads carefully or pay 'loads of money'. Lovely surprise, our friends Tom & Pat from Blackbrook Skype'd us and it was great to catch up on all the gossip. We did notice that our future weather forecast looks like those Brits are sending over some of their wet stuff - you can keep it! Must admit most of the people we have met have said that the weather in their countries (Denmark, Holland, Sweden) has been bad this year. Today was a bit overcast with sun in the afternoon and 25C.

Sunday 15th Jul: Thanks UK we have got the heavy rain, bouncing off the concrete - can not do much in this weather (even Daisy refused to go out) so it is a lazy day with an attempt to Skype family. Some success and got to speak only to Australia, Hull, Canada  for short bursts between the atmospherics. Had to mobile it to Portglenone as the cloud cover came right down.

Monday 16th Jul: Had to take the opportunity of some decent weather before our turn with the rain comes again so set off for Dresden - back into Germany (Linda needed another currywurst). It was not a forgotten visit, we just had planned to see Dresden from here as it is closer to this site. Good journey there and for once the TomTom was spot on the ball so we could easily park up and not have far to walk to our visit itinerary. We had been looking forward to seeing Dresden and were not disappointed, they have done wonders in reconstructing the place after almost 75% was destroyed in the war, all having been done tastefully and in a most sympathetic way. Once again so many historical buildings which totally mesmerised us whilst walking around, so much so that our time wizzed by and it was soon time to head back to Poland - a very good visit which we both thouroughly enjoyed and appreciated. Weather held out for us and was sunny and 21C.

Bruhl's Terrace

The Royal Palace

Semper Opera House

Tuesday 17th Jul: Woke up to UK weather - RAIN, certainly looks on for the day so it looks like a lazy film day so dug out J Edgar for a looksee (very good and can reccommend it). Although it rained most of the day it was still 21C.

Wednesday 18th Jul: Come on now! This is not on, more rain. We did get some short dry spells (during one, Neil took Daisy for her walk and managed to get soaked in a thunderstorm - drip). Just moounched around for the day, tried to find ways around the toll roads, caught up on some correspondence and watched some more films. Still quite warm at 22C.

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