Wednesday 4 July 2012


Tuesday 26 Jun: Time to leave Roders Park in Soltau, with a bit of sadness as we have had a great time and achieved so much - anyway, have to move on and attempt some of our other quests. Final pack up went without problems and when it came to move off site it looked like most of the other residents wanted to see us off - as before it was a bit tight but with Malte's help and  a few moved cars we safely made it off site. Once again many thanks to Malte and Katarina for their hospitality and help, especially as due to Neil's failing memory (old age/numptism) he managed to leave his debit card at the Park and had to call on Katarina to save the day by posting it on to us. Set off at about 1.00pm (1300hrs) and headed for a very slow trip to a Restplatz on the Autobahn just south east of the Schwerin area, got there at 4.45pm (1645hrs) after a brief stop for some lunch. As the platz (which was approximately at the old east/west border point) had a fuel station we thought it was time (eventually - still had more than 1/2 a tank left) to refuel 'the beast', not bad only 211 litres to fill it up. A dull day with some rain later  and 22C.

A much better Restplatz (truck stop) than Bramsche and we had a relatively quiet night for our overnight stop, loads of grassed areas so even Daisy liked it.

Wednesday 27 Jun: After a leisurely breakfast we set off for Wusterhausen, a nice easy journey down the Route 5 (bored of Autobahns) road to Berlin. Strange in some ways, whilst it is now 20+ years since the borders came down - to be in what used to be East Germany and was totally 'out of bounds' to us before took some getting used to. There are still a few signs of the previous ways but masses of work must have been done as it is hard to realise that this used to be a different country, it is has gone through cultural and economical changes and is now having to deal with the state of the current world economy. There are still signs of the previous exsistence but the western world ways and material possessions have been fully embraced. Arrived at Camping Platz Wusterhausen/Dosse about 10.30am and found that the staff did not speak very much English at all - lots of gesticulations and guesses! Eventually got shown to an acceptable (big enough) pitch and attempted to move ourselves on to the pitch - very tight this time and with some building work in process - no jokes please 'pet'.


The site is certainly a bit different with very limited internet, no English TV, in need of some maintainence and clean up (showing its age a bit) but is a nicely located site in some woodlands literaly next to the Untersee (very large lake). Sunny with dull periods and some rain and of course by the use of Linda's weather station 20C.

Thursday 28 Jun: SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) - you can take the man out of the Army but not the Army out of the man - meant a settle in to and familiarise ourselves with the site day. Of course one had to deal with the mass of visitors to see the crazy Englander's living in a big coach, at least they do not think it is a horse box. Linda needed to do some of her housewifery type things so Neil set about sprucing up the vehicles - bet it rains.  Did some rather painfully slow IT work and got the info for a trip to Magdeburg, with so much European religious and legistrative history it has to be on the visit list. A bit overcast with sunny spells and 23C.

Friday 29 Jun: Slow out of the starting blocks (we are on holiday you know) but hit the road to Magdeburg via Genthin, Burg and a very nice McDonalds to quell Linda's withdrawal symptoms. Had to stop for a cold drink as it was brilliant sun and raising fast to 31C so a burger was classed as lunch - lovely junk food. So glad the AC works on the Jazz as it is the first time Daisy has experienced this weather, mind you she stills lays in the sun whilst panting away. Got to Magdeburg in the early afternoon - weather still sweltering, what a beautiful city with so many intersting historical and new buildings/places, amazing that some of the churches and city buildings can be traced back to the 900's. Did not manage to meet either of the the Otto's (the famous Emperor Otto and ex Lord Mayor Otto von Gruericke) but they were around in the 10th and 17th centuries respectively so we presume they were resting.

St John's church, first mentioned in 941  and the old Town Hall dating from the 12th century (phew, refurbished but really old).

The 'new' Town Hall with Otto von Guericke statue dating from the 16 century and the Magdeburg Catherdral (being refurbished) dating from 955. 

Tourists - they get everywhere!

1 comment:

  1. Hi folks, nice to catch up with your latest blogs, Magdeburg looks lovely and your pitch isn't too bad either, bet that was fun backing into that! Nice to catch up with you on the Skype the other day and look forward to your pictures and postcard! Lots of love from us all xxx
