Saturday 2 June 2012

De Krakeling Pt 1

Arrival day consisted of just setting up and acclimatising, arrived to 28C and sunshine phew!  Neil messed up and sited us too close to the trees so no satellite TV – will pay was heard from Linda, actually we all are not missing it  just would have been nice to have the decision not to watch it. Daisy loves it; the site is in the woodland of a nature reserve so there are all sorts of interesting things for her to watch/chase – shame about the lead.

First day was dedicated to shaking out the RV and ourselves, we knew that we had got everything just did not know where they were. It was like Christmas opening up cupboards and drawers to find all sorts of goodies; Daisy is alright there seems to be dog food/treats everywhere. RV now packed to our preference and not just for transportation/escape. Visited the local shops to pick up fresh rations, great to see all the old favourites on the supermarket shelves, obviously over bought to refresh memories – prices just on the lower side of UK but we think better choice and quality. Planned an outing for tomorrow – Arnhem (retake the bridge) and also did some planning for our next site. Hope to move to Germany next Monday/Tuesday. A bit cooler today, slightly overcast and only 18C.

Day two was an interesting, humbling and sombre day visiting the bridge, museum and cemetery at Arnhem. Chaos in Arnhem as mass roadwork’s and detours almost made the Tom Tom explode; we were unable to re-take the bridge due to traffic cones! Just about to give up when we saw a sign for the cemetery and managed to get to the museum/Old Hartenstein Hotel. Too nice a day to tour the museum so foot marched around the area – advert break, found Pocket Tours a great help so thanks Mark. We finished back at the new Hartenstein Restaurant for an al fresco lunch (club sandwiches and white wine) on the patio watching the world go by. The afternoon was spent paying our respects to the fallen at the cemetery. Nice sunny day with 24C.

Yuk! Overcast and wet, mild but lots of showers – mind you the ground here needs it (I sound like a farmer). Had a ‘slobs’ day, sure is hard doing what one wants - when one wants to. At least we managed to check out the waterproofing of the RV whilst catching up on ‘Justified, episodes. Unfortunately Linda had time on her hands so thought of some shopping we still needed so guess we will explore Zeist tomorrow.

Friday was a visit of Zeist which is certainly a lovely town, situated in a rather up market and geographically convenient area of Holland. Good standard and selection of shops with what looks like a thriving night life. Fortunately by lunchtime we had enough so a rather brave Neil suggested it may be a good day for golf! Wonders I got away with it (I suspect it was because Linda wanted a Kindle session) and set off for the golf course. A nice course which is still being completed and like most courses in Holland is a 9 hole par 3 course, very tricky and demanding and I coped much better once I realised the distances were in metres! Cool overcast morning and bright sunny afternoon with 20C. Tomorrow looks like being a dry day so might try and assemble the complete awning/add a room.

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