Wednesday 8 August 2012

Makow Podhalanski/Move

Thursday 2nd Aug: Happy Birthday Neil! No crisis’s or work planned for today as Neil’s blood pressure needs to be reduced somewhat, so we ‘took stock of our situation’, contemplated what to do and then hid all matches and sharp implements. Linda who managed to keep Neil going somehow throughout the ‘Hell’ deserved a treat so it was off to the hairdresser for her (easily pleased), after much sign language she came out looking her normal ravishing self – all for 30zloty (about £6.00). Did a bit of repairs required assessment and made a list of requirements, nothing too major needed, mainly time consuming work required. Decided to double up tasks and go shopping for bits in Krakow and also see the sights tomorrow. Spent the afternoon sitting beside the stream at the back of the camp ‘sipping’ and looking at the scenery/mountains then in the evening we had a pleasant social interlude with 2 Dutch campers who spoke perfect English and concurred with our opinions of Polish roads and drivers. Nice sunny day with 32C.

Jazy (real name) Campsite
Our own Stream
Start of the Carpathian Mts

Friday 3rd Aug: Nice slow start and off to Krakow which was only one hour away, got all the bits from the equivalent to B&Q over here and were parked up in the city centre for 1130hrs. Yet again, a nice beautiful old city with lots of history and very interesting buildings; which we thoroughly enjoyed albeit that we could not go in to the Wawell Castle/Krakow Cathedral due to no dogs allowed. Due to the fast rising temperature we decided to limit our ‘walkabout’ to 4 hours as it is not fair on Daisy. From the castle we headed down to the Jewish quarter which was very eye opening, then up to St Peter and St Paul’s church, the Market Square, the Cloth Hall and numerous other places on the way. Whilst in the market square some youngsters worked the water pump for Daisy and she just laid there in the very cold jet of water before of course wanting to chase the pigeons. Needless to say Daisy took all the attention, AGAIN! and we ended up speaking to a couple from Vancouver who thought she was just great. We got back to the car just under the 4 hours and cranked the AC up to full to compensate for very humid 34C. We got back to the site to find a French couple in a camper in need of a pullout from some soft ground so obviously obliged with super Jazz.

Wawell Castle & Krakow Cathedral
Main Market Square Krakow

These 2 turn up everywhere
The Cloth Hall Krakow
St Mary's Church Krakow

Saturday 4th Aug: Great a cooler day, just right for the RV work – fortunately not many people around to get annoyed from the noise, but just enough to come and watch/offer advice/help. Got a good start and after lots of skinned knuckles, swear words and sweat the trailer was completed and the RV nearly complete – then the owner came over to help. He spoke no English or German but was a great help with tools (he had bigger hammers) and assistance so the RV is back in roadworthy and presentable ish state. Just need to titivate tomorrow. Had an impromptu visit/social with the French couple who were joined by a Dutch couple – the beast certainly creates interest. Slightly dull day with 26C. 

Sunday 5th Aug: Finished off the RV in between rain showers and 27C and if I do say so myself it looks good as new ISH! For those asking - no photographs were taken or allowed to protect the innocent. Back on the road again so a heavy weight has been lifted off our shoulders, mind you we are both now 2ft 6inch tall.

Monday 6th Aug: Pre trip shopping and packing, a quick look round the local area and a recce of the route out and for a filling station. All tasks achieved satisfactory so had an easy evening with some final route planning and toll estimating, eventually spent over an hour on the toll problem (including using our hosts personal computer to access the Internet). I even phoned the Helpline to confirm that toll applicability for us and they confirmed it as being correct so was finally confident that we had it right despite some very unhelpful Slovakian Toll websites! Very sunny, humid and 33C day.

Tuesday 7th Aug: Final packing and loading went well and it was off to Slovakia at 0915hrs after topping up our LPG at just over 50p a litre. Just for Poland to say farewell to us the roads to the the border were of normal Polish standards - sorry substandard! First bit of the route in Slovakia was a bit better and after getting our vignette (toll stickers) at the border we then hit the toll motorway - heaven. The further we went into Slovakia the more of the Carpathian mountains we saw and climbed (the 'Beast' did us proud and hardly noticed the hills), all going well until just short of our motorway exit and we were flagged down by the local constabulary (evening all) for a documents etc check. I was fairly confident that all was well until he mentioned that  we should have another separate vignette sticker for the trailer - seems like this toll business is a method of increasing national income, with each country being different and more complicated. When questioned about the website and helpline he mentioned that it is very confusing and they have problems understanding it - fancy that! Anyway he was very understanding and allowed us to proceed AFTER a 20 Euro penalty (the minimum penalty) was paid and we agreed to get a sticker at the next filling station. Arrived at Campsite Zelena Voda without any other occurrences and set up with no problems, the site is large, basic and secure and will do us for a few days - especially at 10.80 Euros (about £8.78 a night) with free WiFi. Weather still Hot Hot Hot and the day was sunny and 32C.

Carpathians everywhere
Look no Yorkie bar!

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