Sunday 26 August 2012



Monday 13th Aug: All change. After much discussion and communication with UK yesterday it was decided to change the itinerary to allow us to be near an international airport as well as moving south east. Out goes Croatia and in comes Slovenia, an unknown country to us but ‘hey ho’ it cannot be that bad so after a quick pack up we said goodbye to Mr Happy and hit the motorway (we had obtained an e-vignette for the Hungary part of the journey and Slovenia is closed/open type toll roads – pay at the booths). A real pleasure driving on the motorways, even if it costs ‘an arm and leg’ in Slovenia, and made really good time arriving at our  chosen site at 2pm – a bit of a surprise for both as it is a nice, quiet and small site which whilst realising ‘we are big’ they willingly accommodated us on a really nice pitch. Checked the situation in Belfast and did some more thinking during the nice sunny day with 28C temperature.
Slovenian Border
Slovenian Countryside

Slovenian Countryside
View of Slovenia
Tuesday 14th Aug: Settled into the site, orientated ourselves to the area, introduced ourselves to staff and fellow campers (all very friendly and from all sorts of countries) and re-assessed the situation. After much heart searching it was decided that for Linda’s peace of mind that she should go and visit her Mum. First impressions of Slovenia this site and its owners are very good and it will be an ideal place for Neil and Daisy to await her return. The weather forecast for this place is good and if today (Sunny/27C) is anything to go by should be very nice.  
Kamp Park Prebold
De-stressed Daisy

Wednesday 15th Aug: Spent most of the day ‘bashing’ the laptop to get some flights organised and speaking to the family in UK to arrange accommodation and transport etc. Managed to get flights sorted and Linda is to fly out tomorrow at 1650hrs and gets to Belfast at 2100hrs via Stansted. Planned the route to Ljubljana airport and planned to ‘non-toll’ road it, going over the mountain range – might as well see some of the country side at the same time. Looks like Linda may be escaping a heat wave as today was sunny and 30C.

Thursday 16th Aug:  Last bit of shopping and pre trip admin before heading to the airport. Lovely drive there, very scenic and somewhat breathtaking in places – the roads were good as well, so Linda was not too stressed by the time we got to the airport (?). Whilst being the main Slovenian international airport, it is like the country a bit small but totally effective, so Linda got off on time with no problems. Neil had a very nervous return journey through the mountains in a major thunder storm with lightening all around – at least it cleared the air but no sooner had the rain fell than it was dry again. Needless to say Daisy freaked with the thunder, the rest of the day had been mainly sunny and 28C.

Friday 17th Aug: A sunny start to the day and the first of a forecasted hot weather period with 31C. Linda arrived safe and sound and was really pleased that she had decided to go back to UK as her Mum is not doing too well at the moment – fingers crossed for a return to good health! Neil started the thumb twiddling wait and as the rest of the site campers are non-English/German speakers it looks like Neil will have to talk to the trees for a while, and watch all the comings and goings for entertainment.  At least this site is a nice location and the WiFi here is fairly good so Skype, email, phone & texts are possible to maintain sanity whilst Linda spends some quality time with her Mum.

Saturday/Sunday 18/19th Aug:  Linda managed to spend both days with her Mum and the rest of the family at the rest home – some good news in that her Mum was starting to rally round a bit and is enjoying seeing everybody again but still has a way to go yet. Not much happening in Slovenia – very quiet and Neil caught up on emails, phone calls and family/general communications with both days hot and sunny 29/30C.

Monday/Tuesday 20th/21st Aug: Linda continued to visit her Mum with her sister Maureen and the news is very good as her Mum is getting much stronger, responding to the treatment and is eating much better now – hopefully the crisis is over and she will begin to return to good health YIPPEEEEE. Neil and Daisy did not allow the hot (32/33C) sunny weather to prevent them from exploring the local area on foot and found some really good walks, and Daisy’s new favourite place – the river. On our return from our walks we stroll down the pathway besides the river and we have to physically check out the water, Daisy loves a quick swim and cool down time in the river and then just loves to cover Neil in water when she shakes herself dry. Some UK communications, Terry rang to tell us that he had been appointed as the manager of the company’s flagship store, Neil gave Linda a shopping list to bring back and late on Tuesday Linda decided that she could come back on Friday 25th.

Sempeter Area Slovenia
Savinjske Alps - Slovenia

Daisy - chilling
River Savinja - Kamp Park 
 Wednesday/Thursday 22nd/23rd Aug: Linda and Maureen had a firsthand taste of NI public transport and had a return journey from the rest home to her brother’s house that took 3 hours and all for £12.00 each –not impressed but a bit of an adventure. The improvement in Linda’s Mum continues and both days visits were heartening as she showed some signs of her old self. The laptop took another bashing and flights were arranged/booked for Friday, Neil realised he had better get a move on and tidy up the RV before she returns – all those parties you know, not. Neil did find out that there is supposed to be a local golf course (?) a few kms away so decided to check it out on the Thursday – whoops, not golf course but a farmer’s field with 6 flags/holes in it. It was an experience having to play around the crops, putt on a dirt surface with a few tufts of grass and cope with the longest hole of 130m and shortest one of 45m but at least it got him swinging (no not the way!). True to form whilst playing it RAINED! It was a quick thunder storm with some ‘stair rod’ rain but with a 28C temperature – a bit different from Wednesday’s sunny 35C.

Zalec Golf Club (?)
Friday 24th Aug: Early starts to the day, Neil to panic housework the RV and Linda to get to the airport for her flight – not so rushed this time with leaving Belfast at 0940hrs, in to Stansted at 1055hrs, leave Stansted 1315hrs and get to Ljubljana at 1625 hrs. Due to Neil’s shopping list an extra case was needed so one was borrowed from her brother; guess he can always collect it from us in Tuscany? Linda had a quick visit to the Duty Free, which was a bit of a waste of time as the prices were the same as here but at least we have some more essential supplies for the tour. Neil & Daisy got to the airport safely in time to pick up Linda (almost literally due to the sudden return to brilliant sun and 34C) and then returned to the site to have a pizza for the evening meal – please note one between us NOT one each. With the team back together again we can now start to plan our future adventures/travels, after of course Linda has a rest/acclimatisation period (translated means washing, ironing and housework).

Mmmm Pizza

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