Sunday 16 September 2012

Prebold Pt 1

Saturday 25th Aug: Well Linda managed to bring back some unwanted UK germs and is suffering slightly from a sore throat and general ‘yukkieness’, obviously the last week has taken its toll both in physically and physiologically  ways and left her rundown. It was not a hard decision therefore to decide to stay here for a further rest/recuperation period and get both of us in the right state of mind and body; we may even take in some more of the local sights but just lazy restful days for a week or so. The most taxing part of today was a quick shopping trip - Neil had of course eaten all the usual supplies so replenishment was called for. It was a very sunny day with 35C temperature – Linda still feeling the heat a bit. It was great to have Linda back but big thanks are due to Darja (the site owner) and all the other passing through campers who befriended Neil during Linda's absence – the couple from Switzerland on a BMW motorbike, Chris, Will and family from Holland, the young couple from Holland on a rest holiday and Doris and Dorothea from Austria to mention just a few – THANKS. 
Sunday 26th Aug: WHAT! It is raining! The day started alright, a bit cool but sunny then all of a sudden - torrential rain, thunder and lightning and would you believe only 19C – freezing, Linda of course got the blame for bringing it over from UK! The weather decided that a day in the RV was called for, so out with the laptop for a catch up on some films and Casualty/Holby episodes - a real lazy day with lots of snoozes; naughty but nice.

A drop of rain
raised the level 
and the current flow
of the River Savinja



Monday 27th Aug: The day started with much better weather, the rain had cleared the air and everything was that much fresher – so a bit of exercise was called for and we explored the local area at a nice gentle pace. There is so much beautiful countryside here that you can get complacent with the stunning views round every corner. The people here are very friendly and all say hello and try to speak a bit of English. Slovenia is at the junction of the Alps, the Mediterranean and the Pannonian plain and is a much underrated and relatively unknown country which is well worth a visit. Our walk took in the local farmers harvesting the maize crops and finishing the hop picking, it sure is good to watch other people working. Fortunately the weather made the walking a bit easier with a nice sunny day and only 25C. We did decide that before ‘camp happy’ fever sets in that we must think of moving soon.

Slovenian farmers humour
Slovenian crops

Tuesday 28th Aug: We seem to be back on track now and hope to pick up the momentum to our adventures so this morning was the Roman Necropolis visit; unfortunately Daisy could not come with us on this one so she looked after the RV. A very interesting visit which really educated us about this area of Europe and its importance in the Roman/Celts history circa 2000 years ago which only became known about in 1952. As with most places visited our guide wanted to practise his English so a 30 minutes tour turned into 1 hour, he did appreciate and respond to Linda’s knowledge of antique mythology, questions and genuine eagerness to know all about the place and its origins. The day was a bit cooler at 25C so a quick generator servicing (the beast still needs looking after) by Neil was fitted in during the afternoon, courtesy of the new filters that Linda had brought back with her from the UK. A nice surprise, as Chris, Will and family returned to the site on their way back home having had a great time in Croatia – pity we will not be able to fit Croatia into the adventure, this time. We have decided to cut Croatia and Bosnia & Herzegovina, would have been nice to see them but perhaps on the second lap, that way we can get back on track for our ambition to spend autumn and winter in much warmer climes. We are getting attached to this warm and sunny weather.    

Roman Necropolis
Another tourist at
Roman Necropolis

Wednesday 29th Aug: Just had to continue the 'walking' momentum and a visit to Lake Ribnik Vrbye was call for, very nice casual amble which Daisy thoroughly enjoyed, and a pleasant trip round the lake and its carvings. We met Chris and Will and their 2 Yorkies who had the same idea of a lake visit, so a social gathering (drinkie poo's) was arranged for later on. Linda is getting back to some kind of normal and completed the walk without any 'mechanical assistance' during a sunny 25C day, so as a reward a Pizza night was promised to give her a rest from cooking. Had a very nice (late) evening with Chris, Will and family which resulted in the promised  attack on some monster pizza’s and much discussions on just about everything, in fact we think the world was definitely put to right. It was agreed that Slovenia is a great place to visit - apart from its road tolls there is little to fault it.

Lake Ribnik Vrbje
Linda with one of the
Lake Ribnik Vrbje carvings


Yum Yum

Thursday 30th Aug: All good things have to be interrupted by real life and today had to be a cleaning and maintenance day, so after saying goodbyes to Chris and Will - plus just about everybody else on the site (was it something we did/say) we were left all by ourselves. Shame that we had to work as the day was a nice sunny 29C but as the 'beast' is behaving herself it did not take us too long. Still got an intermittent generator problem and slightly sticky jacks situation but currently managing to live with them and nurse her though each day/move, will have a concentrated attempt to repair them once things slow and cool down. The joys of an old classic RV, must be boring when everything works perfectly all the time - NOT! Fortunately Linda was in UK for the renewal of the RV road tax so all is well on the legal front and the beast has a nice new disc in her windscreen now ready for the 1st September. 
Friday 31st Aug: The day started with being very overcast and then progressed to more RAIN with thunder storms - poor old Daisy she was not pleased. The near continual rain made the near empty site a bit lonesome until the mid afternoon and then some fellow Brits arrived, a very smart A class motorhome with a Smart car on a trailer with UK plates pulled onto the site – unfortunately in the pouring rain. Roy and Viv got themselves sorted on site and dried off then kindly shared a cup of tea with us – what a tonic; they have been full-timers for 4 years and apart from being very nice people they were a mind of information, advice and much needed encouragement. We just had to take the opportunity to glean as much information as possible from these more experienced fellow wanderers, so shared a bottle or two of wine with them in their Frankia motorhome. It was really heartening to hear that other people do suffer from all the drama's, mistakes and  ups and downs - we thought that we were the only ones who had 'challenges'.

Saturday 1st Sep: HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUMMY! Only 97 years old today. Fortunately we manged to get a good Skype link and got to sing Happy Birthday to Martha, it sounded as though she was doing well and was enjoying herself rightly. She has amazed everybody and is now doing well but of course at 97 you just have to take each day as it comes. More rain so most of the day was spent on the move admin prep, sites and tolls sorted out on the laptop ready for a Monday move. We were going to move today but with the weather as it is (more rain) we have put it off until Monday, someone is having a laugh with this weather only 17C, coats were worn for the first time in ages and yes the central heating was put on - just goes to show you need to keep everything in working order as you do not know when you will need it.

A slightly raised River Savinja

Sunday 2nd Sep: Busy, busy day as we wanted to get everything ready for the move tomorrow, completed family contact and had a final drink with Viv & Roy. Managed to get everything completed, including the loading of the car in between small showers, the weather had improved a bit and the 22C made it a bit more comfortable for the work. Another good evening with Roy and Viv, who continued to impart even more useful information to us - they really raised our spirits and knowledge base and we are very thankful to them. Unfortunately due to our departure tomorrow the night was not as long as we wished but a good nights rest was needed due to a bit of a monster drive tomorrow - 'on the road again' to Florence.  

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