Friday 30 November 2012

Lagos Pt 1


Mon 22nd Oct - Sun 28 Oct: A somewhat deterioration in weather this week with highs of 24C and lows of 14C, the balance of days had rain but we still had quite a bit of sun - if fact we had 2 days of torrential rain, luckily this site has great drainage so no major problems. 
Unfortunately some of the other sites around here do not have such good  drainage and hence we had some arrivals of rather wet transferees. Neil had a look at some problems on James and Sarah's Tiffin Allegro and managed to get it into an OK state for their trip back to the UK. Social activity included visits to Restaurant Fontenario in Espiche (super meal and excellent wine), a James special curry (yum yum) and a BBQ courtesy of Neil. The mid week shopping trip was to Albufeira, Linda needed Iceland for food and Neil needed Leroy Merlin (B&Q type shop) for some spare parts. Neil finally admitted that the satellite reception was below par so hired a large dish (1.4m) to ensure Linda did not resort to violence when he went golfing on Saturday with James and Sarah - just to be social you understand. Took further advantage of the Skype system and called all those available, unfortunately the WiFi is not really quick enough for conference calls but is OK for one to one. We did try a Lagos/Sydney/Winchester call and had a fair link up for a short time, and  a Lagos/Toronto/Portglenone call was the same result. 

Restaurant Fontenario
Hole 1 - Par 5

Mon 29th Oct - Sun 4th Nov: Good start to the week when James and Sarah took us out for a meal at Sebastian's in Lagos  - real class, top drawer cuisine and service. Just to top off the food and drink the restaurant treated us to a glass of port in their cellar WOW - rows and rows of classic port but unfortunately they did not allow us to move in permanently. Woo... scary Halloween week, seems like they celebrate the event similar to the UK so after a good round of golf on the 31st we attended the Halloween Dinner in the site bar/restaurant for a really good night. Nice surprise on the Friday when Mark  (now a full time civilian having completed his final TA training) & Pat from Albufeira popped in for a visit and to catch up - a very pleasant review of the bar again. Sadly James and Sarah left for their trip back to UK, via Madrid, on the Saturday and we also received our first 'Red Cross' parcel from Terry. Another all or nothing weather week with more rain and some sunny spells - highs of 23C and a low of 11C. Still strange to accept that it is winter, especially as there are lots of flowers/bushes out in bloom.

Still blooming in November
Still blooming in November

Even the grass is still growing

Mon 5th Nov - Sun 11th Nov: Winter must be here as the pool furniture has been cleared away, the pool is still open, even though a bit chilly. Another rainy week with the occasional burst of sunshine, fortunately the temperatures were still fairly pleasant - a high of 23C but a low of 9C, and yes the central heating works and has been on a few times.

Look - no sun loungers

We took the opportunity during one of the dry spells to give Daisy her monthly ablutions, she is still not impressed with these sites that have pet showers as they are too handy - mind you she did not complain about being dried with the hair dryer afterwards. Managed to get a good day off site to visit Sagres and the Cape of Vincent (the end of Europe) - startling landscape, very rugged and bleak with the knowledge that the only land further west is the US.

Cape Vincent lighthouse
Cape Vincent

Sagres Portugal
Sagres Portugal

Just had to fit in another game of golf, the course whilst very young is in very good condition, in places very demanding and has a ball swallowing rough. Fortunately a nice couple from Dorset, Bob & Lee, are on site and Bob like Neil needs to get plenty of fresh air and exercise = golf. The 11th November had to be celebrated for the normal 2 reasons, but of course this year personally it was a bit special - the first 40 years of marriage completed with us both still sane ish. A really nice slap up meal in the site restaurant with some beverages,  some reminiscing and a quick walk round Luz, a very nice seaside village which has a lovely beach.

Praia de Luz Portugal
Praia de Luz Portugal


Praia de Luz Portugal

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