Wednesday 28 November 2012


Wednesday 10th Oct: Nice leisurely final preparations for our move, the next site is only 35 miles down the road so no need to rush plus we did not want to wake up the sleepyheads too early. We have noticed that most people do not tend to get up until mid morning - what a waste of some wonderful 'morning moments'. The general populace appeared from everywhere to watch once the 'Beast' fired into life, the trailer coupling and move off the pitch went perfectly - thankfully as the audience watched every move. We seem to be getting the hang of this setup/move/pack up life. Problem free move along the N125, sad to see the burnt remains of the shopping centre at Portimao but the weather was kind to us with a dry sunny day and 27C which made for a pleasant move and we got to Turiscampo at 1130 ish - short move only 1 hour. Fully established on our pitch well in time for our evening meal in a much more relaxed/happier state of mind. The site just feels right so we are contemplating staying here for most of the winter - site nice, area very interesting, lots of good local facilities, satellite TV reception and a golf course just round the corner, what more could you ask for. 

Our campsite pitch
Lagos Portugal
Campsite entrance
Lagos Portugal

Thursday 11th Oct: A bit of a dull day with some showers and 25C but it did not stop us finishing off settling into the pitch, just about big enough for us and whilst the pitches are quite close together it does not feel claustrophobic, and doing a tour/familiarisation tour of the site - a vast improvement with much more of the features that we look for. Good WiFi connection, full on pitch facilities (only 10A though), a good on site shop, a very nice restaurant, good swimming pools, and a super ablution block. The site is situated off the main road but far enough into the country to loose the 'concrete jungle' feeling - lots of open country side views whilst being close enough 5 miles to a fairly large town (Lagos) for shopping etc. Initial thoughts are that we are pleased that we will be here for the next month and have confirmed with the site office and family contacts.

View from the site
Posh loo's

Friday 12th Oct: A nice bright sunny day with 26C but unfortunately Linda was not too well and had to take things easy - between us we have been very lucky with our health and had no real problems, just the occasional off day. Met and introduced ourselves to our neighbours, mainly caravaner's and from all sorts of places but mainly the UK - John & Carole from UK, Ove & Ann Marie from Denmark, James & Sarah (full timer RV 'rs) from UK and Ken & June (full time 5'ers) from UK. Very friendly and helpful site so lots of impromptu social gatherings - just to discuss the state of the world whilst supporting the local drinks industry you understand.  

Sat & Sun 13/14th Oct: A couple of lazy days just enjoying the weather, nice sunny 27C days after a rather cool night on Friday night - never thought we would feel cold at 18C again. Had to spoil the holiday effect and do some internal and external cleaning and maintenance tasks, must admit it is a lot easier keeping on top of things in the RV living than the house living. A bit of rain on Sunday just to remind us that it is winter here, looks like the forecast for next week is much cooler.

Monday 15th Oct: Time to have a look around the general area so the Jazz got a run out, just a quick look see of Lagos, Praia de Luz and Espiche - all very nice and deserving of a revisit to explore their individual treasures. The full selection of shops and services were located, the golf courses sussed out and lots of beach areas viewed future doggy walks and mooching around. Another nice day with lots of sun and 24C, hope it lasts but we are sure it will change soon - not as bad as UK though.

Lagos, Portugal
Praia de Luz, Portugal

Tuesday 16th Oct: Having shown Linda the shops it was only fair that we went shopping, that is if we wanted to eat - must admit we have really done well with our dietary requirements and to date have made substitutions or not really missed anything. We have also increased our food knowledge to include lots of local delicacies. The weather cooling down process seems to be starting and it was only 23C with sun today. Completed the WiFi check today and Skype'd family members in UK - good reception and free.

Wednesday 17th Oct: The day of the World Phetang (Boules) Championships, due to some outstanding decisions being required from a previous social gathering a game was arranged for today between Ann Marie & Linda against Ove & Neil. Needless to say the men gentlemanly conceded to the fairer sex - OK we lost! We had the sun in our eyes and it was a bit cool at 23C. John & Carole were unable to play due to pre move actions, they are due to leave tomorrow - moving on to Salamanca prior to heading to the UK.

Thursday 18th Oct: John & Carole got off to an early and dry start, just as well as the rain started just after they left and was on for most of the day. The rain and low temperature 18C meant that a day in catching up on Boardwalk Empire and Homeland was called for. Managed to get a Skype call via Eric to Linda's mother who seems to be doing really well these days and is coping much better off her medication - long may it continue. Daisy has now decided that not only is it her RV but the main seat is hers as well.

Daisy in charge.

Friday 19th Oct: Back to a nice dry sunny day, still cooler though at 20C. Decided to make use of the good weather and did some RV maintenance (generator - charging problem), trailer skid plate bolts renewal and a re-jig of the Add-a-Room (awning) - trailer and Add-a-room completed but generator just 'temporary' repaired due to some more head scratching needed for the final solution.

Sat & Sun 20th/21st Oct: A weekend of 'two halfs' - Saturday sunny and 23C but Sunday heavy rain all day and only 20C. At least we manged to get a couple of good walks in on the Saturday before spending most of Sunday in the site bar with James and Sarah, totally overdoing the liquid refreshments (San Miguel and Sangria) but completely putting the World to rights.

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