Thursday 28 June 2012

Lower Saxony (Soltau) Pt 3

Monday 18 Jun: ‘R’ Day (Reminisce). With so much covered on the Sunday we decided to have a rest day and relive some of our memories, strange how the mind tends to retain mainly good experiences and forgets bad ones. We had a great time, many laughs and some poignant memories over a bottle or two of wine and then put them back into the memory cells. A good ‘sunny spells’ day with a very nice 25C so the two girls managed to do a bit of sunbathing.

Tuesday 19 Jun: Back to ‘today time’ with some admin and cleaning duties – a reality injection. Blitzed the RV inside and out, got the previous blog done, phoned both mothers and answered some emails, all well in time before the football (not that it was that exciting, at least we qualified). Linda further tested her favourite RV necessity – the washing machine (those who know her will understand that she cannot be without one or an iron!), good job it was dry and sunny with 22C for drying the clothes.
Wednesday 20 Jun: Just had to do a visit to the successor to the old Tank School in Musterlager, now called the Deutsches Panzer Museum – well worth a visit and even Linda enjoyed it. They have collect a vast array of mainly east and west German tanks from the 2nd WW (AV7) up to today (Leopard 2), presenting them very well and making the whole display very  interesting. Good choice to visit an inside attraction as it was dull and rainy – 19C.

Thursday 21 Jun: Neil got to go golfing again – very nice championship course which was in excellent condition and was most enjoyable, he even managed to scrape a 91 on a par 71 course so not too bad for first time out on the course, his partner was a bit wooden though. Good weather, for golf - very sunny and 24C.  Linda got to enjoy some time to herself (me, myself & I) – not, she did the washing and ironing (again) just to make Neil feel guilty. Most of the other site residents are now well known to us so a bit of socialising was the order of the afternoon/evening and a pleasant but language taxing time was spent swapping experiences and nation bashing (grass looking greener).

Friday 22 Jun: Lazy day called for – do not want to tire ourselves out yet. Linda and Daisy decided to be on ‘watch’ whilst Neil further investigated/photographed the site for an amendment for the Big Pitch Guide (a book with information in it on camping sites that accept ‘big boys toys’). Finished the day with a meal in the gasthaus and some pleasant, but strange unknown drinks compliments of Malte and Katarina of Roders Park – lovely evening that reinforced our opinion that they really are excellent hosts and the site is well worth a visit. Bit of a mixture weather wise today, sun, wind and showers with 23C.

Saturday 23 Jun: Trouble with eating and drinking one has to restock so off on another shopping trip for fresh rations and Neil did need a few things for the RV and trailer – minor repairs. Got all needed items and found the German B&Q equivalent which was great and had the edge on our British counterpart – a bit cheaper as well. Had a pleasant interlude with one of our Dutch neighbours who desperately wanted to see the inside of the RV, she called it a ‘house on wheels’ and was taken with the washing machine (must be woman thing). Good weather day again, sunny with a bit of a breeze but 22C so a good long ‘Daisy’ walk was called for and we revisited the lake.

Sunday 24 Jun: The good weather god decided to dessert us on our 1 month on the road anniversary and it ‘bucketed’ it down!  What a day to visit Hamburg, needless to say we retained our stiff British upper lip and dragged the 3 of ourselves around Hamburg in the pouring rain. We did find some interesting (?) places open on the Reeperbahn but headed for the very impressive Town Hall and St Michaelis Church amongst others instead. After dashing from place to place we did get to see all of the places we needed to see and 3 drowned rats returned to the car for the trip back to Soltau.


Monday 25 Jun: Time to shake out and get ready for tomorrow’s move, so packed up all the awning and outer items. Just had to use the doggy shower room again before leaving – much to Daisy’s disgust however she now smells a lot better, just us to sort out now. Linda did a final shop just to prevent us having to do without essentials like paprika crisps, pretzels etc. Another dull, windy and wet day with only 17C.

Still thoroughly enjoying ourselves with no pressure, or stress - however it makes one wonder how much WORK has to answer for. 

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