Thursday 7 June 2012


Unfortunately weather wise the last 2 days (Saturday/Sunday) at Zeist where somewhat wet, we did however between the showers manage to get the Add-a-Room (awning) up for an airing – first time but it is was very easy, looks the part and is like the beast, huge (7mx3m). With the extra space we were able to do some under compartment sorting and sit out watching the rain, sipping white wine and not get rained on, and of course Daisy can free roam in it. Linda has eyed it up for her drying area but instead we christened it by having a BBQ.

Pack up day on Monday saw yet more rain – goody, goody so Neil got a bit wet (has been said he is a bit of a drip sometimes). Not bad though we were ready to move at 3.15pm (1515hrs) after only taking 1 hour 25 minutes to be ‘ready’. So it was goodbye to the Gelderland region of Holland and we set off to Germany (and Currywurst) land – in the rain! Plan was to drive up as far as the Osnabruck area and park over night in a Restplatz (huge lay-by for those not familiar) for our first non-site night in the RV.

We got to Bramsche Ost Restplaz (on the outskirts of Osnabruck) just after teatime, Daisy was not impressed at having to wait for her ‘nosh’, and we parked up in a nice large park place which unfortunately was one of the main truck stops as well. All in all not too bad apart from the coming and going of the trucks during the night – the site fees were very cheap! It was a bit spooky being back in Germany after 25 years and having lots of memories re-awakened.

Tuesday morning brought us some dry and sunny weather (just as well) for our move up to Soltau in the Lower Saxony area of Germany, so off we set! Not impressed – where has the German efficiency gone? We set off and after 20 minutes came upon major road works and an Umlietung (diversion). We, and half of all of Germany’s traffic seemed to be taken all over Germany on country roads (no singing please) with traffic jam after traffic jam and we got back onto the Autobahn (motorway) 2 hours (yes 2 hours) later to find that we had travelled only 30 miles. At least we were, to quote a famous Aussie organisation ‘Hell bent on going nowhere’ whilst the Germans were not so understanding!

A late arrival, 2.15pm, at the site meant that we had a wait to get in as in Germany the world stops for lunch/quiet hours between 1pm and 3pm – we were not alone and by 3pm, we and 4 caravans were waiting to get on site. It did give us time to have some lunch whilst waiting. The site is a bit small and cramped but nicely laid out, in a good location, has loads of things laid on for guests and the facilities are immaculate. A bit scary, for the other guests, getting onto our pitch but once on it, we  only took just over the hour to fully set up (including the awning) and be sat down with cheese, biscuits and a glass of wine.

As normal our first day on site, Wednesday, was a settling in day, of course like most of everywhere else we are still getting the rain, showery today. Not to worry as we are still fully enjoying this lifestyle, Linda is having a great time watching life and its people going by (sure are some strange folk), Daisy just loves being with us all the time and is getting a lot better on the lead, Neil is amazed at the lack of stress and worry and according to Linda is enjoying himself. Had to do it! Down to the Schellimbiss (chip shop) and tasted the delights of Currywurst mit Pommes Frites (German sausage with curry tomato sauce with chips) – yum yum it was great kids.
We were going to insert a photo of Linda getting stuck into a Currywurst and Pommes Frites but thought better as we may have been reported for physiological child abuse, so instead we have a photo showing that we are having full cream milk fresh from the diary every day – very tasty but naughty. Real green top milk.   

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo, finally figured out how to comment! You are so right....I am very jealous about your visit to the Schnellimbiss lol, please have some pommes mit mayo for me (I am salivating just thinking about it) Glad to see you are still having a great time, everything is fine here, rainy!!! Connor has a bit of a sore throat and temp but the others are all fine. Just starting to stress about Lewis's birthday and his lack of presents! Ooops - trip to Argos I think! Nice to see all your photos, take care and lots of love xxx
